About Us

With our factory, which we have integrated with industry experience, we have adopted the vision to bring natural, additive-free and genuine Taşköprü Garlic to you, valuable consumers and businesses, from the field to your table.

We have entered the sales sector in line with our ever-growing customer portfolio and demand. We continue on our way with people who trust our years of experience. Our vision is to increase the value of Taşköprü Garlic, which is a registered product, and export it to the world countries. In this context, it is to contribute to the country's economy and local economy. We carry our pure and genuine products from our factory to your tables.

About Us

With our factory, which we have integrated with industry experience, we have adopted the vision to bring natural, additive-free and genuine Taşköprü Garlic to you, valuable consumers and businesses, from the field to your table.

We have entered the sales sector in line with our ever-growing customer portfolio and demand. We continue on our way with people who trust our years of experience. Our vision is to increase the value of Taşköprü Garlic, which is a registered product, and export it to the world countries. In this context, it is to contribute to the country's economy and local economy. We carry our pure and genuine products from our factory to your tables.